About Us

We take the data from your existing systems and analyse it to provide the information you require.

Costing and Business Solutions was formed in 1996 as a result of the need of public hospitals requiring specialist support and knowledge in Patient Level Costing (PLiCs) and business intelligence.

Since then, CEO Ross Wilson and his team, have revolutionised the way health organisations throughout New Zealand, Australia and the UAE manage their data. 

CBS - Health Costing Experts is committed to developing systems that are easy to use, cost effective and strategically advantageous to our clients. 

A key strength of CBS - Health Costing Experts is our close relationships with our clients. The software we develop is in direct response to the challenges that our clients are facing and as a result, it is tailored for a perfect fit.

Our staff have years of experience in both the technical skills of developing great software, but also years of experience working in the health sector as analysts and accountants. This deep understanding of the challenges our clients face allows us to develop unique and innovative solutions. 

We see our relationship with CBS as a true business partnership. Both the system and the support we receive directly from the CBS team enable us to move forward and do our jobs well.
— Kate Owens, Budget and Costing Lead, Health New Zealand, Waikato 
The daily use of the CBS systems and constant connections with the CBS team have significantly increased costing and reporting efficiencies.
— Budget and Costing Lead, Health New Zealand, Waikato

Meet the Management Team

Ross Wilson

Ross Wilson - Chief Executive Officer

Our visionary, Ross spends most of his time working with providers of health services in identifying opportunities for financial and quality improvements.

He has a passion for delivering solutions that produce automated business information accurately and quickly - enabling our clients to achieve much needed ongoing efficiency gains.  

Ross started out in the ‘90s as a chartered accountant for a large hospital. He quickly developed an expertise in Activity Based Costing (ABC). CostPro, IntelPlus, FocusPro and ChargePro is the embodiment of nearly 30 years of thought and design from our direct contact with health professionals on a daily basis. 

Intensely competitive at work but fun-loving, Ross plays jazz clarinet, saxophone and races cars (not at the same time). 

Darryl Groufsky - General Manager, Implementation

With a long background in the health sector and at CBS with Ross since 1999, Darryl's detailed knowledge of the health sector is invaluable to solving complex problems that our clients throw at us. 

His near photographic memory means that he can apply solutions to problems quicker than you can say "otolaryngology".  

To unwind, Darryl likes to whack cricket and golf balls around in Fiji.

Stephen McNickle - General Manager, Research and Development

Stephen’s goal is to ensure that our products are world leading from a technical perspective. Our developers are focused on ensuring the features our clients need are built in a way that ensures the software is robust, intuitive and fit for purpose. While we understand that each client is different, we strive to design common structures and reports that can be shared across a range of clients, maximising the benefit while minimising the cost to each client.

Stephen enjoys working with clients to ensure that the right solution is developed that will meet their needs and work with their existing systems.

When Stephen is not working, he enjoys playing hockey, strategic computer games, spending time with his family and fighting slavery.

Paul Taumanu - General Manager, Client Services

Paul keeps the team focussed on what matters to our clients. His goal is to ensure clients have a superb experience working with CBS by helping clients maximise the investment they have made in the CBS products.

Paul has a lot of large hospital operations management experience and continues to be used by large hospitals for his thought leadership. 

His natural ability to plan and schedule means that he knows what is the right stuff that needs getting done at the right time.

He stays in the field, and after work, Paul is still on the field taking it all out on the rugby and cricket opposition.

Patient Costing

Patient Billing

Data Warehousing & Analytics

Dashboards for reporting