Our Clients

We partner with our clients to increase productivity and uncover organisational efficiencies.

Our partnership mentality has been the driver for delivering impactful change to 40+ health care organisations. 

Below, clients share their experiences of how our support team and our systems continue to positively impact their organisation.


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“CostPro is a world-class costing system that automates the costing process and provides our healthcare facilities with access to daily patient level cost and revenue data.”

- Group CFO - Abu Dhabi Health Services, SEHA, United Arab Emirates

“CostPro is an intuitive, flexible and comprehensive tool, with a lot of automation and controls that results in timely, reliable outputs and effective use of our costing resource. This ensures we spend more quality time using the data, engaging and supporting our stakeholders, rather than maintaining the system.”

- Group Manager Revenue Analytics and Reporting - St. John of God Health Care, Australia

“With CostPro we have more latitude importing, exporting and processing our data. This gives us faster access to reports that were previously difficult to attain, allowing us to complete data extraction in one step, rather than six! The time saved by using Cost Pro has given the team new found capacity to analyse costing data more deeply and uncover cost management efficiencies and has seen the team begin to work more closely with our financial managers to identify outliers and undertake root cause analysis.”

- Senior Manager, Activity & Costing Evaluation Service, Finance - Darling Downs HHS, Queensland, Australia


“Every part of the system has a significant impact on our business. With reports now easily accessible from the online system, I spend less time producing data and more time focussed on important business improvements. With this system, we are in a better position to benchmark against other hospitals, plus we have KPI modules which allow me to check regularly on exactly how things are tracking. In my role, I’m constantly asking for information and wanting proof and analysis around why situations have happened, and the system provides these answers.”

- Chief Operating Officer - Health New Zealand - Lakes

“This dedication to understanding our business was the deciding factor in choosing to collaborate with CBS on this journey. The CBS team offered great flexibility for developing the right solution to fit our company. We felt this approach delivered a more tailored outcome, providing a better result and a system we feel we have ownership of.” 

- Project Manager - Epworth, Melbourne, Australia


“CBS has been working alongside the Waikato DHB for many years. The daily use of the CBS systems and constant connections with the CBS team have significantly increased costing and reporting efficiencies. The data and reporting that we receive does more than meet our Ministry of Health costing obligations, it also enables us to leverage our patient data, providing accurate benchmarking and comparative data. Such information is used internally to support business cases, identify cost outliers and to ensure we accurately analyse patient costs.” 

- Budget and Costing Lead - Health New Zealand - Waikato


“The time efficiencies and increased accessibility that this intranet-based system has provided have been impressive. Having clear and concise report descriptions ensures the system is user-friendly, while providing quick access to necessary reporting. It has made a great difference to be able to access accurate treatment data anytime. Additionally, we can look at different elements, including demographics, to understand aspects of any treatment cost. This increased clarity is beneficial on so many levels.”

- Decision Support Manager - Health New Zealand - MidCentral


CBS is working with the following health organisations:


Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora:




United Arab Emirates:


Contact us today to talk to the CBS team about finding the right solution for your organisation



Patient Costing

Pateint Billing

Dashboards for reporting